If you want to display it like this, this is possible by making a personal theme pack.
So, to do this, you can have a look at the tutorial video (menu support above)
When you will have created your personnal theme, and ready, i will give you an example of what can done.
Just, tell me if you want this display in event details or list view ?
If you are talking about feature and function to display days in calendar, it's not today possible, but it is a function planned in the roadmap of developpement (a possibility to select for example each monday over a period)
In fact, written documentation is not yet done for iCagenda, but i will begin it soon, and add little by little information, help and tips in this documentation
Currenntly, you have many videos done by Giusebos (videos for version 2, but still available for version 3 of iCagenda, but we will work on new videos in the months to come)