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[VU] events on Tuesdays and Fridays from September to June

  • sylvie33
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11 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 11 Anni 5 Mesi fa #4361 da sylvie33

First I want to say Hello to everybody here - I'm new here and not really used to using Icagenda.
I'm creating a website for the association of my daughter's school. We have a woman who works two days per week there.
I would like to put the days and the hours on icagenda.

Is there a way to do that :

from September to June
the APELTHT office will be open on Tuesdays as well as on Friday
from 9am to 5pm

Thanks in advance
Wishing you a wonderful sunny day
Ultima Modifica 11 Anni 5 Mesi fa da Lyr!C. Motivo: [VU]

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11 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 11 Anni 5 Mesi fa #4362 da Lyr!C

If you want to display it like this, this is possible by making a personal theme pack.
So, to do this, you can have a look at the tutorial video (menu support above)

When you will have created your personnal theme, and ready, i will give you an example of what can done.
Just, tell me if you want this display in event details or list view ?

If you are talking about feature and function to display days in calendar, it's not today possible, but it is a function planned in the roadmap of developpement (a possibility to select for example each monday over a period)

In fact, written documentation is not yet done for iCagenda, but i will begin it soon, and add little by little information, help and tips in this documentation ;-)

Currenntly, you have many videos done by Giusebos (videos for version 2, but still available for version 3 of iCagenda, but we will work on new videos in the months to come)


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Ultima Modifica 11 Anni 5 Mesi fa da Lyr!C.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: sylvie33

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11 Anni 5 Mesi fa #4363 da sylvie33
Oh thank you so much for your answer

I will watch the video and try to make my own theme. I'll let you know when done.
I don't understand your question "tell me if you want this display in event details or list view ?"

for the association, I have three kinds of events :
open hours for the office : from September to June on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am to 5pm
some parties (usually one special day from one hour to another hour)
some special days when we have to welcome the parents of new students (for exemple in July we were at school from July 1st to July 3rd)

for the last ones, it's easy I can enter the date, hours and create one event
but for the first one if I want it to be displayed on the calendar (no used to be shown on the list) without having to create many many events.
Am I clear enough ?? I'm French so sometimes I have difficulties to be understood when writing in English.

So I'm trying to create my personal theme and I come back ;-)

Have a good day.

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11 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 11 Anni 5 Mesi fa #4364 da Lyr!C
Le plus simple est peut-être alors d'utiliser le forum français (je suis français moi aussi ;-) )

Je comprends un peu mieux votre demande...
Ce n'est pas au niveau du Thème, mais au niveau des fonctionnalités.

En fait, une fonction est prévue dans un développement futur, mais n'est pas actuellement implémentée, et qui pourrait être utilisée pour les jours d'ouverture.
Cette fonction permettra de créer une période (par exemple du 2 septembre 2013 09:00 au 27 juin 2013 17:00) et de choisir seulement les mardi et vendredi.

Donc, si j'ai bien compris votre demande, il faudra encore quelques mois de patience, car je pense me pencher sur ce développement en automne ou cet hiver (en fonction de l'avancé des autres développements prévus avant)


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
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Ultima Modifica 11 Anni 5 Mesi fa da Lyr!C.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: sylvie33

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11 Anni 5 Mesi fa #4366 da sylvie33
J'avais posté sur le forum anglais car il y a généralement plus de gens et donc plus de chances d'obtenir une réponse.
Merci beaucoup.

Je vais donc commencer la rentrée scolaire en mode manuel (en entrant les jours de permanence de d'ape à la main) et j'attendrais que la nouvelle fonctionnalité soit effective.

Merci pour votre aide et pour tout le travail que vous faites. Je débute sur Joomla mais j'ai mis icagenda sur les deux sites que je viens de créer car c'est utile, facile à utiliser et super joli.

Bonne journée et bonnes vacances si vous en prenez.


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11 Anni 5 Mesi fa #4380 da Lyr!C

Il me reste encore beaucoup de choses à améliorer et de nouvelles fonctions à ajouter, mais j'espère bien rendre iCagenda encore plus facile et riche d'ici la fin de l'année ! ;)

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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