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[WISH LIST] iCagenda ROADMAP: Features & functions to come in future versions

  • CampWest
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8 years 1 month ago #13867 by CampWest
Customer fields.

The customer fields created should be able to add to the Search as searchable, and also be an option to use as filter for lists and menus.

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  • Miroslav
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8 years 1 month ago #13872 by Miroslav
I want to thank you for the great and neat component icagenda.
Also I want to join a public community with a new and important functions in icagenda.

1. Registered user can view on what the event is logged and the events may unsubscribe or change the number of seats for the event. (This feature requested by users pages)

2. Possibility to register on a busy event as an alternate. When space becomes an event, the system automatically fills a substitute and the substitute shall be informed of the change i-Meil, SMS. (This feature requested by users pages)

3. The possibility of publishing the events on a certain day and time, as well as in joomla articles

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  • drweb
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8 years 3 weeks ago #13970 by drweb
I would like to have an extra feature where all the upcoming and/or all events could be shown on a map like this one :
As every event already has the Google Maps info :)

PS : It could be an additional extension (I would pay for it :P ).

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  • WebsiteM
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7 years 11 months ago #14139 by WebsiteM
About The module event list: It would be nice to show only events with available seats as an option in the module settings.

Wim Houtman - WebsiteMet - Joomla

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  • CampWest
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7 years 11 months ago #14141 by CampWest
Again great product - love it :P

When creating an Event - I'm looking for the option to have two or more periods.

Today it is possible to have period - and then add some single dates. What I hoping for :whistle: is the option to add more periods to the same event eg.:

And event could take place in the spring and in the fall - but doing the hole summer no event. Today I either have to create two events one for spring and one for the fall - or one event for the spring and then single dates for the fall.

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  • Dard333
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  • Julia | 13/04/1997
7 years 11 months ago #14176 by Dard333

First thanks for this amazing plugin! I love icagenda. The first thing I would like to change is the registration of an event, having the date and hour insert with a better framework, and not insert with the keyboard. I think it would be more intuitive and practical. Another thing I would like to have is the option to delete the event automatically after it finished or maybe one day or some days later. It would be amazing the possibility of a map with all the marks where the events take place. The advanced search should have an own url for every search, to be able to share just one category or one range of dates.

Thanks! :side:



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  • dolmenhir
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7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #14193 by dolmenhir

Dard333 wrote: Hi!

First thanks for this amazing plugin! I love icagenda. The first thing I would like to change is the registration of an event, having the date and hour insert with a better framework, and not insert with the keyboard. I think it would be more intuitive and practical.

Thanks! :side:


Hi Julia,

It's possible to use a better framework to insert dates and hours.
Look at my screenshot

To do, you have to use a compatible browser, like Chrome ;)

Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by dolmenhir.

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  • jjsjjs
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7 years 9 months ago #14382 by jjsjjs
Hello Cyril,

your component works great still on our site.
It's nice that some users can add an event from the frontend.
What i would like is that selected people who have a special right to be able to send emails for a selected event from the frontend. Just like it is possible to do from backend. So to restrict this to someone with a special right prevents spamming by anyone.

Is this (already) possible?

Thanks for your effort on this great tool!


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  • Hedzer
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7 years 8 months ago #14595 by Hedzer
We have been working with this great component for more than a year and a lot of great functionality has been added.
In addition to the changes mentioned in the roadmap I have some suggestions for further development.

These suggestion arise from the fact that we use 2 agenda's on our website. One agenda contains 2 categories and is visible to guest. The second agenda contains 4 categories and is only visible to registered users. Due to this usage of ICagenda I would like to suggest the following:

1) menu level control of "frontend search filters"
Front end search filter options are set in the global settings of ICagenda. It would be great if we could customize the frond end search filters for every agenda (menu item). The most likely place seems to be the settings of the menu item. This way I could for instance disable the category search bar for the public agenda and make it visible in the registered agenda.

2) Category selection from search filters.
When applying the search filter category, all categories are selectable. It would be nice to be able to select which categories are selectable in the agenda, since the categories for registered users show up empty for guest (due to acces control of the individual events).
One possibility will be to have access control for categories. This way categories for registered won't show up in the public agenda.
The second possibility relates to 1. If the search filters can be applied on the menu level, this category filter can take into account which categories are selected in the existing option "filter by category" and only show these categories as an option.

Once again I would like to thank you for this great component and I hope my suggestions help you to further enhance ICagenda.

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  • derekmadge
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7 years 7 months ago #14623 by derekmadge
I will soon be turning over my Scout troop's website to someone less familiar with Joomla and not at all familiar with ICagenda. I can still help him and explain things but in an effort to make things easier for him I was thinking of this problem:
3 different leaders make up a monthly agenda for their own group and send it to me. I copy/paste into Icagenda and set the times and dates. They simultaneously email a copy of their agenda to the relevant parents. It uses up a lot of time.

So I was thinking, if I could just get those leaders to input the events into Icagenda directly and then (here is the neat part), have Icagenda generate a PDFor Open Office document that has all the information in each event. date parameters could be set- likely for the upcoming month, say August 1 through 31st. The webmaster could then generate the PDF for each of those three different leaders / categories, and email them off to parents. This ability to generate could be switchable at the front end, allowing or not allowing parents to also generate that printed agenda themselves.

In my case anyway, it would not need to be anything fancy, just a listing of the dates of the month and the data in the fields for those dates, but specific to a particular category.

Well, that's my wish!

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