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[WISH LIST] iCagenda ROADMAP: Features & functions to come in future versions

  • ancpru
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7 years 6 months ago #14825 by ancpru
Replied by ancpru on topic Wish: Remember / Manage Locations
It would be nice if locations could be managed and the address of a known location is entered automatically. This would be very nice esp. if many events are located at the same place
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7 years 6 months ago #14826 by ancpru
Replied by ancpru on topic wish: Extended reccuring events
It seems to be possible to enter recurring events at day-level, but it would be very nice if it was possible to specify rules like

- Every <day of week>
- Every <nth> <day of week>
- First <day of week> of month
- Last <day of week> of month

and so on.
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  • RycoDePsyco
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7 years 6 months ago #14847 by RycoDePsyco
Replied by RycoDePsyco on topic Two things, Copy Event and Sorting Backend
Two things:

Note: I can not translate an English, therefore with Google.

Point 1.
Topics Posts / Events 1 to 1 can copy.

There is no way to simply copy an event.
Instead of button "New" there is the button "Copy".
All you have to do is change the text, date and subject.
It is NOT a follow-up event!

Point 2.
Sorting in the backend should be extended.

It is not possible to display all events (including past events).
Simultaneous events at the top of the list.
At the same time, to sort the date of the following events according to date (above = coming date, later date later).

The current sorting filters do not work and are too expensive.

Logical date Order from top to bottom:
1.) Active now coming events at the top.
2.) Active next event to follow.
3.) Deactivated upcoming events at the top.
4.) Deactivated subsequent event following.

5.) Past event, last event first.
6.) Past event, last next event to follow.
7.) Past event, oldest event at the bottom.
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7 years 5 months ago - 7 years 5 months ago #14891 by Lyr!C
Replied by Lyr!C on topic Two things, Copy Event and Sorting Backend

Hello, for point 1, you have the "Save as a copy" button in toolbar when in event edition (not in admin list) ;-)

So, that's what you're looking for !

About point 2, you can already sort using filters (in the sidebar), change number of events per page, and order by column (click on column header to select the column to use to order, and second click to change ordering (ascendant/descendant switch as it is for Joomla articles).

By default, list order is ID descending. (same default ordering as for Joomla articles)

I think this answer your questions, and no need to add things in the roadmap ?...

Best regards,

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7 years 5 months ago - 7 years 5 months ago #14892 by Lyr!C
Replied by Lyr!C on topic Two things, Copy Event and Sorting Backend

hi, both of your feature requests are in fact already in roadmap (the online one will need an update with more details ;-) )

Extended repeat options (and much more!) will be introduced in the future dates system planned for iCagenda 4.0 (already some code done, but still a lot of work to be accomplished before the official version, maybe next year...)

For the venues manager, i've planned this (in my own todo list) for iCagenda 4.1.0, so it may be for the next minor version after 4.0 will be released.

Best regards,

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Last edit: 7 years 5 months ago by Lyr!C.

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7 years 5 months ago - 7 years 5 months ago #14893 by Lyr!C

WimDC wrote: Hi Cyril,

maybe divide "information" in a "public"-part (visible for everyone) and a "hidden"-part (only visible for registrered users after login).
And if possible, make this 2 seperate fields, so I can include the hidden-information on AcyMailing listings with the AcyMailing-iCagenda-plugin.



Well i mainly think later to add an access level option for custom fields, which one could be set to event information.
Maybe this could be a solution for you ? (it's already in my own todo list, but not yet a date for it's integration as maybe for one of the 3.7.x maintenance release...)
(of course, it would need then an update for Acymailing plugin).

Thank you!


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7 years 5 months ago #14894 by Lyr!C

Hedzer wrote: First off. I want to express my thanks regarding the development of ICagenda and the changes made to version 3.6

Working with the new version I have several suggestions for improvement.

Front end:

Search Filters in event list:
1: category selection: Is it possible to only include the categorys that are included in the options of this menu item instead of all the categories that are available to ICagenda.
2: Make it responsive, so the search button is obsolute. This way it is also possible to select multiple categories.

1 already possible with new option in menu options to set a global search (as it was) or a search limited to the current list ;-)
About 2, maybe some more details for "responsive" ? (as already with a responsive grid...)
About the multiple categories filter, it's a possibility i will add later ;-)

Hedzer wrote: Front end ical export
I don't know if this have been mentioned before, but it would be amazing if users could download the event list and import it to their own calender.

It's planned already, with the add to calendar which one will be added to the main list too to export the current page list (so i will add a limit option for number of events to be displayed, to help to set export .ics file). Option which is in process, and almost ready for next 3.7.x serie.

Hedzer wrote: Back end:
Is it possible to set the default event view to "show today and upcoming events"?

In global options of the component.
Then, when you create a new menu, by default it will use the global setting.

Hedzer wrote: Registration: Is it possible to add a from ... to ... option, so it can be set in advance when registrations will open.

In 4.0 (so not yet), thanks to the new dates system, it will be then more easy to set a registration period (start and end date) individually by event date. Currently, not possible because each event could have multiple date.

Hedzer wrote: Acces levels on categories: I know it is possible to set acces levels for events. It would save time if the acces levels can be set for each category and that these setting are inhereted when a new event in this category is made.

Exactly, a missing option i should (and should have already in fact!) add for category.
As i've planned too to add a category image option, i will check in same time for other options (so i will work on categories refactory in the same period, so planned later, as currently working on paiement and registration improvement for 3.7)

Hedzer wrote: Furthermore. Most events I make in a category share a lot of the information, like contact information, image etc. If a template event could be made for each category this information is automatically filled in. This can save quite some time for events that only change description, title and time.

This will be the goal for the future Venues manager, i will plan for iCagenda 4.1.0 (or 4.2.0, if the theme pack manager refactory can't be done in time for 4.0.0).
With the venue manager you will be able to save a place with information and location, and load it in a new event with one click.

Hedzer wrote: Keep up the good work! and thank you for ICagenda. It's amazing.

Thank you!!!

Best regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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7 years 5 months ago #14895 by Lyr!C

bellojo wrote: Bonjour Cyril,

Manifestement ce composant est très bien mais pourrait être parfait à mes yeux si :

  1. L'edition d'un événement était possible en front-end
  2. la possiblilité de créer des événements répétitifs était disponible par exemple: Tous les 1° du mois, ou les 2ième ou 4ième mardi du mois, ...
  3. L'importation d'un calendrier Ical était possible

Merci pour tout



Pour le point 1, c'est prévu pour la version 3.7 (mais sans doute uniquement dans la version pro...)
Pour le point 2, c'est pour la version 4.0 (pour 2018...)
Pour le point 3, pour l'instant un peu trop tôt pour une telle solution car déjà pas mal de choses en cours et à faire pour les versions 3.7, 4.0 puis 4.1. (mais l'idée est ma feuille de route, parmi une tonne d'autres idées d'utilisateurs ou de moi-même... ;-) )


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.9
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  • blueberry38
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7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #15022 by blueberry38
Bonjour, serait-il possible d'autoriser les mêmes actions sur le bouton 'inscription close' que sur le bouton 's'inscrire', pouvoir lier ce bouton également à des articles ou des url ?
De plus peut on rajouter des champs dates de début et de fin d’inscription ? J'ai besoin de publier mes sorties sur un planning annuel cela permet aux adhérents de prévoir leur congé et je clos les inscriptions avant la date de début pour organiser les réservations (hôtel, restaurant, etc)
Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by blueberry38.
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6 years 11 months ago #15398 by woelfchen83
I really love this extension and use it a lot. There's only one thing I miss and that would make it quite a bit easier would be a map with all the events on it. It was part of the road map once but it seems it's not plant to be implemented any more?! If it could be included I'd even pay extra for it since it would save so much time.
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