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[WISH LIST] ROAD MAP : Features and functions to come in future versions

  • kotta
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10 Anni 3 Mesi fa - 10 Anni 3 Mesi fa #8191 da kotta

I have some feature proposals:

1. on the event list now we can see the start date only of an event. My proposal is to see the end tade as well, but not in a big box, just in a line under the "place" line

2. be able to add google map short links as google map (not just enter an address), if i created a trip and make an event for that i would like to add it to the event.

3. be able to export the event list to pdf, so just an icon to the corner to be able to save its content as a PDF.

4. Possibility to grant "edit own" rights on the frontend. Now only the administrators with backend access can fix anything in the event (like typos, date modification, new address...).

Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 3 Mesi fa da kotta.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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  • Alain FERRUT
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10 Anni 2 Mesi fa #8282 da Alain FERRUT
Suggestion :
Restreindre l'accès aux inscriptions à une catégorie d'utilisateurs et permettre à l'évènement d'être visible par le public.

Actuellement si un évènement est accessible aux membres d'une collectivité, il apparait sur le calendrier uniquement à ces membres. Or il peut-être intéressant, pour rendre compte de l'activité de cette collectivité, que tous les évènement soient visibles par le public mais que les inscriptions soient restreintes à une catégories d'utilisateurs.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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  • Lyr!C
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10 Anni 2 Mesi fa #8283 da Lyr!C

Alain FERRUT ha scritto: Suggestion :
Restreindre l'accès aux inscriptions à une catégorie d'utilisateurs et permettre à l'évènement d'être visible par le public.

Actuellement si un évènement est accessible aux membres d'une collectivité, il apparait sur le calendrier uniquement à ces membres. Or il peut-être intéressant, pour rendre compte de l'activité de cette collectivité, que tous les évènement soient visibles par le public mais que les inscriptions soient restreintes à une catégories d'utilisateurs.


C'est déjà possible (et depuis plusieurs versions) avec l'option d'accès pour l'inscription, dans les options d'un évènement. Réglage individuel, par défaut sur "public" ;-)


Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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  • Alain FERRUT
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10 Anni 2 Mesi fa #8299 da Alain FERRUT
Effectivement :) mais pas quand on crée un évènement en front end, ou alors je suis passé complètement à côté :blush:
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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  • henrikbj
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10 Anni 1 Mese fa #8562 da henrikbj
Could it be possible to show a calender from another iCagenda site?
I have 3 sites that have to get calenderdata from a 4'th site that holds the main calender.
This will make updates much easier just to update one site.
Best Regards Henrikbj

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  • Lyr!C
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10 Anni 4 Settimane fa - 10 Anni 4 Settimane fa #8589 da Lyr!C

henrikbj ha scritto: Could it be possible to show a calender from another iCagenda site?
I have 3 sites that have to get calenderdata from a 4'th site that holds the main calender.
This will make updates much easier just to update one site.
Best Regards Henrikbj


The best way to process will be to have only one Joomla website (one admin) and multiple domains pointed to specific area of the website.

This could be done with htaccess, or some specific joomla extensions.
Myself, i've tested Virtual Domains, simple and easy to set up :

A doc about htaccess on Joomla docs site :!_installation

Be careful if you test MightySites, as you have to check if all your extensions are compatible, as this extension was used by an iCagenda user, and after an update, he lost all the extension update (don't know if they have fixed this issue).
I've changed the sql process in iCagenda (so you should have a version after 3.3.8) to prevent this (but the bug is in a Mighty plugin).
But many other extensions (and some good coded ones!) could have issue of data lost because of Mighty Sites. So it's better to be aware of this. ;-)

Hopes all this info will hepl you!

Best Regards and Happy Holidays,

I will check this topic soon, and update the Roadmap, as now, the 3.4.0 is released, and that i'm preparing the next development ;-)
Keep in touch!

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.8
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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Ultima Modifica 10 Anni 4 Settimane fa da Lyr!C.

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  • molenwal1
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10 Anni 2 Settimane fa #8713 da molenwal1
Updated to 3.4.0. Great no issues, worked like a charm.

I have one question from one my customers, when can we expect the 'Limit date for registration'. It is already on the list, they want to set a final date for registration. For example the event date is 16-01-2015, register is possible till 13-01-2015.

Think iCagenda is already the best event component for Joomla ;)
Ringraziano per il messaggio: jjsjjs

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  • hatbe7
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10 Anni 1 Settimana fa #8755 da hatbe7

I like the component very much but would appreciate the capability of "syncing" up with a CalDAV server.


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  • LPG
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9 Anni 11 Mesi fa #8899 da LPG
Maybe this has already been asked by others, because it seems to me a very vital function...

We would desperately like to see the possibility to print a list of registrations for a particular event.

We need such a list to check all the participants that come to the event, so the ability to print such a list shortly before the participants arrive is very important. Printing from the current overview in the backend is not really doable...

If a printing function is a problem, then it would help if one could do an export to a txt, pdf or csv file. From there on one could print it.

Is it possible to make such a thing any time soon?

Otherwise, it is already a very nice extensions, and it is becoming better with every update!
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Amema

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  • jjsjjs
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9 Anni 11 Mesi fa - 9 Anni 11 Mesi fa #8932 da jjsjjs
Hello we just started using this fantastic component, it's really great!

We added some custom fields, we did not upgrade to latest version yet on the live site, only on the local test site.
We have a few feature request, not sure if they're allready requested:

1. It would be handy if someone who registers also gets an email containing all details of the event, like the dates number of tickets, or the custom fields they answered to. edit- oops this seems to be the case after i tested it, but a registrant said he did not get an confirmation.

2. a module which can display how many and/or who did register to the event. Especially if you have a club or something that one can see that someone they know is also going, so more chance they will also go

3. Be able to choose on which event a custom field is appropriate, because now custom fields appear on every event, even if it is not applicable for it.

Thanks for all you do !

Kind regards,
Ultima Modifica 9 Anni 11 Mesi fa da jjsjjs. Motivo: email confirmation allready in it

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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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