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Lyr!C écrit:
Hello, and Happy New Year!
About 2, you mean calendar ?
Attached my dev version (released tomorrow) with option for country, and date display.
When 3.2.10 will be released, i've added too little changes in theme packs, to display time before city and/or country.
About 1, i'm not sure to have clearly understood...
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$data->access = 1 ;
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snotdolf écrit: Email notyfier to subscriberslist when there is a new add icagenda item.
subscibers can sub and unsubscribe to the list.
Import new Joomla users to the list.
Now members must look every time to the ICagenda for new items!
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Lyr!C écrit: You can edit this file (until i add this option) : components/com_icagenda/models/submit.php
On line 103,
change access level ID (currently, '1' as public, and you can select the ID number of your access level) :
$data->access = 1 ;
Hope this could help ?
Best Regards,
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neuroscot écrit: Hi
Please can you advise what the timescale is for the option to add custom fields to the registration form? Previously it was down for Nov. but that has obviously slipped. This is quite important for us so if it is likely to be a while I may need to look at customising it myself.
Keep up the good work.
Happy New Year!
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neuroscot écrit: Is it possible to have a 'Registration' specific description displayed with registration form rather than the event description itself? Our event description is quite long so the registration form disappears off the bottom of the screen. Also it seems wrong to re-display the same info. that the user has just read.
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