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Dartaroth écrit: i Have Two ideas, Multi categoty system and tag system. (if use joomla tag system great)
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Karo2014 écrit: Bonjour,
Suggestion :
Permettre au visiteur (frontend) de choisir l'ordre d'affichage des évènements à l'aide d'un bouton :
Ceci permettrait de ne pas avoir un paramétrage "global" mais permettrait au visiteur de trier les évènements, quelle que soit la catégorie créée en backend.
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Oleb écrit: Hi,
Thanks for a great component. I'm impressed with the functionality, options and design.
I have used a lot of time seaching for a calendar component suiting my community. And I found it in iCagenda. I have though some improvements I want to share with you.
- An option for the event owner to recieve a notification when someone register to his event.
- Posibillity for an event owner to edit/update his event in front end.
- Posibillity for an event owner print a participant list with contact informations (Mail & phone no) participant notes and things like that.
- Posibillity for an event owner to send mass mail to participants to his event from frontend in case of updates or cancelation.
- A better design for creating events in front end. The backend design is much better to work with than the front end. ie. make it possible to collapse/expand sections to get a better overview over the event.
- Posibillity to predefine venues in backend to ease event creation in front end.
I will very glad, if some of my suggestions will be considered.
Once again, Thanks for a great calendar.
A last thing, When do you expect to have a danish language pack for iCagenda?
Thanks in advance
Ole Bro
Already exists! Have a look in Global Options of iCagenda componentAn option for the event owner to recieve a notification when someone register to his event.
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