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[WISH LIST] iCagenda ROADMAP: Features & functions to come in future versions

  • Oleb
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12148 da Oleb
My deepest respect for Lyr!C and the work he have done so far with this component. It's outstanding!
I know he's working hard to forfill the users wishes.

There are no reason to be so hard in your tone.

Thumbs up to Lyr!C.
Ultima Modifica 8 Anni 5 Mesi fa da Oleb. Motivo: Spellig error

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  • ManuVoileux
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12150 da ManuVoileux
Hi everyone, I have been using !Cagenda for a few years, to manage the events of a small association. Lyr!C has always answered very quickly to my requests, and even has quickly made upgrade to suit some specific need. I really appreciate the extension.
Many thanks Cyril. :)

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  • derekmadge
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12192 da derekmadge
In my Scouting pages I post weekly events. Each weekly event can be clicked on and the calendar icons show up in the upper right corner. It would be nice if a parent could populate her or his , say, Outlook calendar, with a month's worth (or more) of events in one step.

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  • jjsjjs
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa - 8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12195 da jjsjjs
Hi Lyr!C,

thanks for your hard work, we love this component.
Now i just discovered what i'm missing and could be added (if not already wished for...).

At this moment you can only enter one or more email addresses were the registrations are sent to under options.
So now every registration for every event is sent to the same email address.
Is it possible or maybe already on the roadmap to enter an email address on the event itself, so every event could have a different email address were the registration is sent to? and registrations will be sent to the actual responisible person for that event.

Now you can only enter a emails contact.

It would be very convenient to have such an option too.

Thanks again!
Ultima Modifica 8 Anni 5 Mesi fa da jjsjjs.

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  • Lyr!C
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12196 da Lyr!C
Thank you for your kind messages Oleb and ManuVoileux ! :cheer:

No worry, I understand irk007 comments.
Of course, it's easier for users using iCagenda since almost the start (3 years and a half) to know that many things were done during this past period, and so to know many things will be done in the future (and near future too ;-) )

Not all is possible as you would like to be in development, but nothing is impossible!
But some need other things to be achieved before ;-)

3.6.0 was almost a one year development (longer than i thought...) but all the refactory of the frontend done will allow me to better improve and add new functionnalities in the future !
So a great step almost done (hope a stable release in May, depending of the final options to add, and the Pro users volunteers testing).

Keep in touch!

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.6
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  • Lyr!C
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12197 da Lyr!C

derekmadge ha scritto: In my Scouting pages I post weekly events. Each weekly event can be clicked on and the calendar icons show up in the upper right corner. It would be nice if a parent could populate her or his , say, Outlook calendar, with a month's worth (or more) of events in one step.


In 3.6.0, the new structure with frontend filters will allow to display the list of events using settings. This is almost full complete, but after 3.6.0 stable release, i will be able then to add, updates after updates, some additionnal option.
And one will be the export of multiple events to iCal or Outlook (using an ics file).
So maybe an possibility for this Summer ?... B)

Thank you!

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.6
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
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  • Lyr!C
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12198 da Lyr!C

jjsjjs ha scritto: Hi Lyr!C,

thanks for your hard work, we love this component.
Now i just discovered what i'm missing and could be added (if not already wished for...).

At this moment you can only enter one or more email addresses were the registrations are sent to under options.
So now every registration for every event is sent to the same email address.
Is it possible or maybe already on the roadmap to enter an email address on the event itself, so every event could have a different email address were the registration is sent to? and registrations will be sent to the actual responisible person for that event.

Now you can only enter a emails contact.

It would be very convenient to have such an option too.

Thanks again!

THank you for your message!
And... it think it's already possible, as ou can select in the recipient options the contact' email (email set in event information as the contact, and/or the creator email (user who has created the event).)
In your case, i think it's the "contact's emai" as you can set it individually in each event information tab. B)

Is it what you were searching for ?

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.6
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

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  • jjsjjs
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8 Anni 5 Mesi fa #12200 da jjsjjs
Hi Cyril,

yes you're total correct!
I forgot about this.
Ok then all is great!

Can't wait for your new release.

Thanks a lot!
Ringraziano per il messaggio: Lyr!C

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  • hatbe7
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8 Anni 1 Mese fa #12866 da hatbe7
Hi there,

A couple of ideas to make icagenda even better :-)
1. Be able to configure the display (or hiding) of details like Author of the event (like with normal joomla content) would be useful. Gives people who want to register an idea whom to contact.
2. Likewise the author of an event should be able to edit the event.
Currently people can submit an event through the website (without going to admin page) but to edit an event it requires admin permissions.
3. People who register for an event should also be able to cancel their registration

If all of the above is already possible...pls let me know.

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  • Lyr!C
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8 Anni 1 Mese fa #12873 da Lyr!C

1. Be able to configure the display (or hiding) of details like Author of the event (like with normal joomla content) would be useful. Gives people who want to register an idea whom to contact.

Some improvements are in mind and my todo list too for this part ;-)

2. Likewise the author of an event should be able to edit the event.
Currently people can submit an event through the website (without going to admin page) but to edit an event it requires admin permissions.

This is planned for 3.7.0 as a new Pro version functionnality (nothing yet available as still working on 3.6.0, but this will be the next major new functionnality ;-) )

3. People who register for an event should also be able to cancel their registration

Well, not yet for the next 3.6.0 (coming soon) but will be added as an option in one of the maintenance releases 3.6.x ;-)
And this will be improved more in 3.7.0 (with a User's area for registrations and events) as said for question 2 ;-)

To follow the upcoming and future improvements and functionnalities to come, you can too check here :

Best Regards,

Latest version : iCagenda 3.9.6
We recommend every user to keep iCagenda updated.
Don't forget to have your Joomla!™ up-to-date!

Do you like iCagenda?
I would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to post a review on JED (Joomla Extensions Directory) .

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Moderatori: Lyr!C
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